Monday, 6 January 2014

Getting back to normal

I have to say we are getting our way back to a normal schedule, but probably at a bit of a snails pace. The kids all seem quite happy to remain in the house which is most unusual for the boys especially.

The crazy weather is taking its toll, it's even affecting a lot of our plans for day time activities. We headed down to the beach and park around midday to meet up with a couple of others for a bit of fresh air. Not before checking the tide times though and the weather to ensure we weren't going to be swimming around the park. We've got fallen trees, fences and a flooded garden but there is one benefit to it all. We've spent lots of time talking about weather and tide times.

We certainly got our much needed fresh air in a large dose!

Back at home the boys put their new iPads to use in the way that I had intended for them to be used by playing educational apps. H had a go at a telling the time game which helped a lot to reinforce what we had done already. C decided to start his maths app before I even asked him and managed half an hour on it without me having to nag at all. He's really not keen on maths so I'm pleased he's found something he doesn't mind doing. M asked to go on education city so I was only happy to oblige.
Plenty more crafts and colourings and the boys went out to play for an hour followed by H and his first session back at jujitsu.
We haven't yet cracked out the workbooks but I'm hoping we will get ourselves into gear by the end of the week.

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