I'm quite happy and so are the kids with the way things are going from our September review so not much is really going to change for us.
Back in September we all had a good chat about what we wanted for the new 'school' year, the boys wanted to join in with a home ed group and I wanted 'm' to have some contact with other kids around her age. We also wanted to go out more on educational trips and for my sake more than the kids wanted to get a bit of routine going with the work books and get a few pages done everyday.
We have managed to get involved in a fortnightly home ed group since then which is great.
The kids all have clubs to go to, gym, football and jujitsu.
We have got out of the house a lot more and think the balance is pretty good between being out too much and not having time to do our work and being stuck in all week. My only aim now would be to try and make sure we don't have too much to do one week and nothing to do the next, which seems to keep happening. So a bit of fine tuning needed to not over book ourselves.
Kids book work seems to have slacked off some days and then others they will get a load done. so again a bit of fine tuning needed so we do a little bit everyday.
Overall we are pretty happy with how things are going home ed wise. I've got a couple of home ed trips to organise which are in the pipeline so that we can do a few more things that are aimed at all the ages of my lot. Quite often there will be trip or workshop that one of them is left out of because of their age. Either too old or too young so the only way to solve that was to organise some myself so it's suitable for them all. As much as I don't mind the boys for example going off to do a workshop now and again with a friend I do miss joining in with them. One of the issues when you have a spread of ages. So to counter that I thought I would run some family friendly trips, whether or not I choose to run any more will depend on how they go!
We still haven't taken the tree down as I have a mini protester protecting it. She seems to think we need to keep it for next Christmas despite the fact it's a real one and bits are dropping off all over the place now. Once the tree goes I think we may get back to some normality, I have to win the protester over first though.
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