Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Some quiet time

Kids have all gone swimming with dad and I have a little bit of time to myself, what did I do with that time? Well tidied up of course.
With the short amount of time I have left before they all pile through the door with a big bag of towels for me to wash I thought I'd update the blog.

We haven't left the house today but have managed to achieve a fair amount. The boys started their new minecraft homeschool assignment which is all about the middle ages.
They spent more than an hour watching a bbc documentary on peasants and then reading though a document on it. They then had to take a quiz which gets graded over the weekend and the score on that determines how much money they have to play with in game next week. Having completed all that they could finally join the server and H has started building his peasant home while C has decided to save his for tomorrow.
C spent some more time on his maths app (doodle maths) again and I have since found out that I will have to part with £6.99 if he is to get any more games to play on it. He's completed all the free ones and as he seems to like doing them I can't really say no :-)

M has played with the usual toys and made a necklace with me, she and C did some of a Usborne body sticker book together. She also done a page in her letterland handwriting practice book, which is just tracing letters really but it's helping her learn to write and her letters at the same time.

We made our own little experiment to test how much warmer the living room got using a couple of garden pots, tealights and a thermometer. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2492549/Video-reveals-heat-home-using-just-TEALIGHTS-FLOWERPOTS--costs-just-8p-day.html
2 degrees difference, success!

A fair amount of tea and hot chocolate later and we are at the end of the day again.

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