Monday, 10 February 2014

Winter Olympics

Home ed groups theme today was of course the winter Olympics.

We started off in a very chilly room (appropriate) having a circle time chat about where Sochi was on the map, what sort of sports were/are taking place and everyone contributing bits to the conversation about what they had seen of the Olympics so far. 

They then went on to a challenge that involved making their own bob-sleighs out of Lego and testing them down a ramp to see which one worked the best. They were split into four teams and had to come up with one final design each. The girls seemed to find the teamwork element a little difficult at first but they did well to work through any issues. 
C's team seemed to work really well and quickly established that the bob-sleigh ran faster without it's wheels! 

Next up and still working in teams, they had to blow a Malteser using a straw through a slalom. 

Slalom over, they moved onto building their teamwork skills again by working together on some home made skis. To actually move forward they had to all lift their legs at the same time, it was very funny to watch! 

There was also a curling game too but I didn't get a picture of that one! 

To finish up a few invented their own way of using the skis and the rest sat and did some Winter Olympic word searches. 

The afternoon was spent playing shops at home and M helped me prepare dinner later on while the boys went out for a game of football with friends. She's actually mastered cracking eggs! Hopefully there's not too much shell in our pie as she had to have a few practice goes. 

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