There's been another big gap in my postings, mainly down to the fact that I thought I had got over my cold, turned out it was just waiting to come back with vengeance!
I'm glad to report it has finally jogged on though!
It did mean however that after Monday's busy day we had another few days stuck indoors. I don't think we would have ventured far anyway what with the awful weather lately.
We still managed to get through some Maths, English, Science and Geography courtesy of CGP in amongst computer games, toys and tv! I would have a guess that those things don't sound all that educational to most people but I would argue that they all have their own place in moderation.
The computer game most in use tends to be Minecraft which covers a huge variety of educational topics
The toys we tend to favour are construction toys such as lego and basic bricks, role play toys such as cookers, food, tills and costumes and toys and kits that spark the imagination.
The TV programmes we watch together are usually documentaries, films or subjects of interest, H is currently watching Top Gear.
Saying all that though there are obviously certain parts of the day where they will watch what I would call "rubbish" and play daft, time wasting games that perhaps I would rather they didn't. We are all guilty of wasting time on things though, even as adults. I like to do my time wasting on the computer. Really though who says it time wasted and not well spent? We all need to just do nothing sometimes! Everything in moderation.
Back to the week in question, we got to Thursday and finally made the effort to get down to the home ed Ice-Skating session. We literally live within walking distance of the rink but never seem to get down there for one reason or another.
We were glad we managed it though and it is considerably cheaper than the normal rate, probably the only way for me to justify going often. We will try to make it more regularly from now on.
Friday involved the arrival of our new bed and the afternoon was spent with help from M putting it together. The boys despite saying they wanted to help at first, decided that they weren't that fussed!
H did get to a couple of sessions of Jujitsu too this week.
C managed football training during the week but Saturdays match was postponed again due to flooded pitches. After a bit of a panic with major traffic issues M made it to gym on time after which we came home to get ready for Nanny's Birthday party.
Sunday was a chill out day after a very late night last night, early night needed ready for home ed group tomorrow.
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