Monday, 18 November 2013

Victorians & Soft Play

I'm not going to pretend to remember what happened to Weds & Thurs last week, we would have done some educational things but I have what is known as a brain like a sieve. However we had a really nice time on Friday. The boys were signed up to a Victorian workshop at the town museum for two hours which I'm sure was educational! It had a lower age cut off point and as M was too small to go we opted to go around the shops. We went back to the museum so M could have a look around, she does love the place even though we have been lots of times before.

One of the boys friends birthday treats was to then go on to a soft play centre for the afternoon. We were there for many hours until we had to call it a day and go home for dinner.

Weekend was full of sport clubs for the boys and gardening.

Monday's science/craft group was quite low on numbers, they all built marshmallow and spaghetti structures for science and then we went on to do emotional art paintings.

When we got home the boys spent the afternoon on their first instalment of minecraft homeschool. I'm already loving it, they are set certain tasks to be completed by the end of the week. This weeks tasks are to watch a documentary on the Severn wonders of the ancient world, which they have done. Then to take a quiz on it. Now they are starting the in game parts to the assignment for the week, which is to build their houses before starting on the really good stuff!

M spent that time with me making a little picture out of a pull out that came with a Boden catalogue which had arrived in the post.  

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