They have learnt where the address goes and how to set out a letter. Also writing the address on the envelope is not something either of them have had to really do before.
They have spent quite a bit of the day on and off the mincecraft homeschool server. I have been keeping a close eye on it as I'm finding it quite interesting too.
M has spent a lot of the day playing with her farm and animals, this afternoon the kids decided to make some role play game up in the kitchen which meant that I lost all my clothes drying racks as they were being used as a barrier. There were cushions and duvets and enough extras that made me not want to venture out there. I left them to it as they were all playing so well together and you can't put a price on the educational value of plain old playing!
I have spent any spare time clearing out cupboards in preparation for xmas and getting through what seems to be a gigantic washing pile again. Every time I think I am winning the battle it comes back with a vengeance.
H spent his evening at jujitsu while C went to the shops with dad. M spent the evening on education city and bin weevils.
Almost forgot to mention that M wrote her own name for the first time today. I wrote each letter separately and then she had a go on her own. It was readable even though 1 letter was sideways and dad was very impressed when I sent him a picture of it while he was at work :-)
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