Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Timetables & Rodents

I have spent the last few days trying to come up with a timetable to ensure we get some structured stuff into our day and in the right quantity. We have been getting structure in but for my own sanity want to make sure we cover a bit of everything. Having 3 kids to juggle needs some sort of planning as I was finding it difficult to remember what I wanted to cover with each of them.
Anyway after a good few tweaks I came up with something which just basically states what work/projects each of them need to get done each morning and also notes what commitments we have such as groups/sports etc.
It's gone down well so far as the kids and I can see what we need to do. We've actually got more done as extra things have cropped up for us to learn about.

Today for example before we got on with the days work our cat decided to bring us a baby vole which was very much alive and unhurt with eyes still sealed. So we spent the next hour or so learning about voles and what to do with the poor thing and colouring pictures of them in.

Then we got on with work, H=Maths games, C=Science book and M=some literacy in the form of an alphabet song and jigsaw. Have tried to leave our afternoons free for either crafts or out of house time. Today we went off to see nanny and grandad. Having no car this week (due to nails and tyres) our options are a little limited.

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