Trying to catch up as I haven't blogged since Thursday.
I like to take pictures when we are doing activities as it helps to jog my memory when I do get around to writing everything down. It reminded me that Friday was valentines day, myself and M made a little love heart cushion on the sewing machine. She picked the fabric and helped to stuff it :-)
The weekend was spent doing weekend things. For me that was a lot of sewing and for the kids lots of dad time. They went up the park and rode scooters, played toys and went shopping. I had a bit of peace in between them all going in and out of the door for a change.
Today was the first day of the dreaded half term. I only dislike it as all routine goes out the window and feel we can't go anywhere without hoards of other children being there. We are used to very quiet museums and parks and once you get used to that you don't appreciate all the chaos that half term brings!
I also don't get much sense out of the boys as all they are interested in is going out to play.
After getting them to spend the morning in and starting their Teifoc kit they went off out for a few hours to the park with friends.
Myself and M went for a scooter ride.
They spent a lot of the rest of the day building k-nex models and had a couple of friends in. I had managed to get myself a nice big box on a facebook selling page. The kids had played with some a while ago and I had been meaning to get some. It came with motors so they have mostly been building moving contraptions while M went for a more delicate butterfly.
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