Monday, 20 January 2014

A sunny Monday

Today I had my organised head on. I had printed out what I needed last night and after a few complaints the kids finally found some motivation to come and join me at the table.

First activity was a printable book from enchanted learning 'all about me'. I had done a copy off for each of them so it was nice to be working on the same thing. Book contents were a self portrait, writing about favourite things, family tree and so on. The self portraits I hope aren't that true to life but they tried.

The next task for the day was meant to be a simple trip to the shop so M could spend her much awaited pocket money on a magazine she wanted. Could we find the car keys anywhere? NO
Considering I had spent what spare time I did have over the weekend getting the house into a much tidier state than what it normally functions at. This what not amusing. Spare car key, non existent.

There was no other option than to take a stroll, nobody wants to disappoint a four year old. Luckily for us it was a lovely sunny late morning.  One pink bike dug out of the shed later and we were on the move.
Unfortunately for us the nearest shop is a petrol station and that is still a good 15 mins away at kid speed. They didn't have the magazine.
So off we walk to the next shop another 15 mins away, no magazine again but we did pick up some goodies in the charity shop forgetting that we would have to carry the four bags home. Gave up on finding the mag and bought lunch instead which we ate on the half hour or so trek home.

Nearly two hours after we left the house, not getting what we had set out for, we made it home. I now appreciate my car just that little bit more.

Nice hot drinks and some minecraft homeschool about castle architecture.

At some point M did some ink stamping and made pictures with plastic shapes.

M did eventually get her magazine thanks to dad picking it up on his way home from work. However if the missing keys hadn't later been discovered in dads jeans then we could have got it ourselves. I think he made up for it and we did actually enjoy at least the first half of our walk.

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