With a bit of a slow start back to norm, we've done some gym, maths, lego, shopping, education city and 'H' has made a very good cardboard box car using some bits and bobs of junk.
Bit more of a productive day today and feel a bit better about getting on with home ed rather than wanting to be on holiday still! 'C' chose to get on with a good few pages in his maths book, 'H' chose geography and 'M' worked on some playdoh plates of food for the morning.
A few kids were off due to the teachers strike so a deal was struck up with the boys so they could go out and play early. The boys have finally been given a chore list that I think will work after realising they are pretty lazy unless instructed. Each of them have a list of what they are responsible for, making beds, putting clothes away, tidying up after themselves. Then on top of those they have 2 tasks to do for the day such as emptying the bins, wiping the sink. Not big tasks but I really think it's important that they don't think everything is all fun and games even if they are kids. Learning to do some basics and freeing up a tiny bit of my time is no bad thing. They have to do it before they go out and play, so not impacting on our home ed day. I hope though that they will learn to make their bed when they get up instead of leaving it to the middle of the afternoon!
I think 'M' might have started to get interested in starting to read. Bedtime stories resulted in lots of sounding out little words :-)
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