Thursday, 3 October 2013

Well I have well and truly lost track of the last few days, we have been very busy indeed.  As well as fitting in the usual book work, education city games, crafts and reading books. Tuesday we met up at a local village with a few other home edders. I think myself and 'M' had a lovely time as I had like minded people to talk to and 'M' met some new friends :-)

The boys took a ball and were quite happy playing with a friend.

They picked blackberries, hunted for conkers, found half a birds egg and played on the park. 'H' went to Jujitsu in the evening.

Wednesday they all went back to basics and did a few worksheets tracing around letters for the boys and numbers for 'M'. I'd noticed that some of their letters were being drawn the wrong way so found some good sheets with numbered arrows so they know what way they should be doing them. Makes life a bit easier and hopefully writing a bit neater.

It was 'M's usual gym class later, then we went to visit a church hall after a quick lunch to see if it was suitable for what I hope will be a new monthly history/geography group. Plans are going quite well for that. Football training for 'C' and we all went along to play at the park and have a go at flying 'M's kite which she had built and coloured herself. Wasn't the best kite flying evening but we had fun all the same.

Thursday was meant to be a day at home, but I had been roped into giving a lift to the hospital so we did leave the house for an hour. I came down the stairs to find 'C' had got up early and took it upon himself to do a few pages in his geography book. He does surprise me sometimes as he usually has to be shoved in the right direction to get anything done! We carried on with some of the Autumn display we have been working on and the kids seemed to spend most of the day cutting and colouring after that. I was quite happy to leave them to it as they were at least having creative fun. After a while I figured out why they were so engrossed in what they were doing. They had all decided that the buildings in 'M's Peppa pig toys needed graffiti, so they had been scribbling colourful pieces of art to blu tack on. Oh well I can't complain. Swimming lessons for all of them after dinner. They came home and caught me having a go at icing cupcakes so all three of them wanted a go at using the piping bag, didn't do a bad job really.

Busy few days to come too.

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