Thursday, 19 September 2013

We had a day at home today, I was still continuing on with the big tidy whilst helping the kids out with the tasks they those. They all decided to fabric paint a t-shirt each. Then make peg dolls & fimo models.

One benefit of pulling out all the resources for a sort out is you find things you forgot you had! So we spent a lot of the day using things like spelling flash cards to see how much they had improved since the last time the cards had seen the light of day. We found out some archaeology workbooks which 'c' liked the look of so got stuck in on those. 'h' built himself some Minecraft blocks and 'm' spent lots of time cutting and sticking as we discovered bits and bobs in the cupboard. House still looks like a bomb has hit it but I can finally see an end to it. Life will be so much easier not having things falling out on me when looking for a particular item in the craft cupboard. I managed to get rid of at least half of the workbooks as they were no longer relevant or not suited to the boys. I can now find all of them quickly rather than route through a huge pile.

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