This is really why I must try and keep up with updating the blog every day, I don't have the best memory to be fair when it comes to when/where we did things. So I guess this is going to be a quick run down of our weekend of what I remember. Dad had to work for the whole weekend with Monday off instead which kind of muddled things up a bit.
Saturday was 'C's football match, he went with one of the other players dad's while me and the other two munchkins did a few crafts. Nothing overly exciting happened for the rest of the day that I remember!
Sunday I did not want to stay in all day so we headed out to the shops and treated ourselves to a nice lunch. Somewhere in amongst that really exciting lot we did watch some documentary's, read some books and probably done quite a considerable amount of educational stuff somewhere, I have just not logged it in my memory!
Monday, 30 September 2013
Friday, 27 September 2013
The morning started with Archery lessons for the boys, the lessons are meant to be an hour but they seem to be lasting longer. Can't complain about getting a free half an hour extra though. It's their last lesson next week and although when they first started they weren't all that keen I know they'll miss it now. They've done really well and enjoyed it.
Myself and 'M' watched and did some crafts, she also had some fun learning the different coins from my purse. She found it highly amusing that they all had the queen on one side. She quite likes the queen.
Quick stop off at Tesco on the way home, then lunch.
All the kids have their own subscription to so they each had a go on it for a while. When their friends were home from school the boys went off to play, while I got on with some gardening with 'M' kind of helping.
'H' had Jujitsu in the evening and 'C' baked some cookies with a little help from dad.
Boys got away with staying up late as we started watching David Attenborough's Rise of the animals. Very interesting, I didn't even know there were still 2 mammals in the world that lay eggs!
Myself and 'M' watched and did some crafts, she also had some fun learning the different coins from my purse. She found it highly amusing that they all had the queen on one side. She quite likes the queen.
Quick stop off at Tesco on the way home, then lunch.
All the kids have their own subscription to so they each had a go on it for a while. When their friends were home from school the boys went off to play, while I got on with some gardening with 'M' kind of helping.
'H' had Jujitsu in the evening and 'C' baked some cookies with a little help from dad.
Boys got away with staying up late as we started watching David Attenborough's Rise of the animals. Very interesting, I didn't even know there were still 2 mammals in the world that lay eggs!
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Spinnaker Tower

They did really enjoy it a lot more than I thought they would and spent quite some time mucking around on the glass floor, questioning how it works and how many layers of glass there are.
They were pointing out all the places they could spot from so high up and they did have a little exhibition in there too on WW2.
We took a break for some tea and cake in the cloud cafe` not a bad place to sit and watch the world below. They had some replica newspapers from the wartime to have a read of which we did.
We then left and spent quite some time going around the shops in Gunwharf Quays, before going back home on the ferry. 'M' decided she really wanted a pink dress so we spent more time shopping in Gosport. She didn't just want a dress with some pink on it, it had to be all pink! We turned it into a bit of a game and eventually found one that she was happy with. Girls are a different species to boys all together. Although the boys had been moaning for chinos for weeks and they finally got some too. Happy kids although I was shattered.
After a quick beans on toast dinner, as we got home so late, the kids all went off with dad for their swimming lessons. While I continued my hunt for a suitable hall to hire for a new group that we are hoping to set up soon.
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
Our first task of the day was playing some quiz games on
'M's gym class was next, while we sat down and read a few chapters of a book together. Followed by the park as usual. Will miss the warm sunny days :-(
Afternoon was very computer based, more stuff on brainpop and then some various subjects on this one
'C' did a few experiments using a kit we seem to have kept in the cupboard for ages. Some of it was a tad young for him even though it states 10+ on the box. I thought there might have been more chemical mixing going on in there somewhere but the first few pages are pretty basic ice and water based experiments. We flicked though to do a task on filtration using water, sand and salt. First filtered though filter paper to leave the sand behind. Now sat on the window waiting for evaporation to take place and leave the salt. Still pretty basic for 'C' and I am hoping the tasks get a little more interesting.
Football training this evening for 'C'.
Now I don't know how many people know about bear yoyos and I'm talking a food here not an actual bear or yoyo. Anyway in these packs of fruit/sweet thing you get a little info card which is supposed to contain a fact. Very nice you'd think however the card they got in one tonight read 'the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body' now curiosity got the better of me and the boys so we decided to have a google. Only to find that the fact isn't strictly true as it all depends on how you measure that strength and there are differing opinions on the matter.
In truth, this is a difficult question to answer, as the human body has three different types of muscles: smooth, skeletal, and cardiac. There are also different ways of measuring strength: endurance, absolute strength, dynamic strength, and elastic strength. It is one of the hardest working muscles in the body, to be sure. It constantly pushes saliva down your throat as you sleep, aids in digestion, constantly moves and contorts to help form letters for communication, and even helps filter out germs courtesy of linguinal tonsils. However, due to the various sorts of muscles in the human body, it is really a true challenge to definitively say it is the strongest muscle in the body. Reference:
'M's gym class was next, while we sat down and read a few chapters of a book together. Followed by the park as usual. Will miss the warm sunny days :-(
Afternoon was very computer based, more stuff on brainpop and then some various subjects on this one
'C' did a few experiments using a kit we seem to have kept in the cupboard for ages. Some of it was a tad young for him even though it states 10+ on the box. I thought there might have been more chemical mixing going on in there somewhere but the first few pages are pretty basic ice and water based experiments. We flicked though to do a task on filtration using water, sand and salt. First filtered though filter paper to leave the sand behind. Now sat on the window waiting for evaporation to take place and leave the salt. Still pretty basic for 'C' and I am hoping the tasks get a little more interesting.
Football training this evening for 'C'.
Now I don't know how many people know about bear yoyos and I'm talking a food here not an actual bear or yoyo. Anyway in these packs of fruit/sweet thing you get a little info card which is supposed to contain a fact. Very nice you'd think however the card they got in one tonight read 'the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body' now curiosity got the better of me and the boys so we decided to have a google. Only to find that the fact isn't strictly true as it all depends on how you measure that strength and there are differing opinions on the matter.
In truth, this is a difficult question to answer, as the human body has three different types of muscles: smooth, skeletal, and cardiac. There are also different ways of measuring strength: endurance, absolute strength, dynamic strength, and elastic strength. It is one of the hardest working muscles in the body, to be sure. It constantly pushes saliva down your throat as you sleep, aids in digestion, constantly moves and contorts to help form letters for communication, and even helps filter out germs courtesy of linguinal tonsils. However, due to the various sorts of muscles in the human body, it is really a true challenge to definitively say it is the strongest muscle in the body. Reference:
So anyway I wasn't too impressed with this supposed fact as it wasn't quite accurate and I'm glad 'H' came to tell me it so that I could correct them. It does make me wonder though who comes up with these facts and why not just pick something easier and less debatable than trying to confuse kids in the first place. After this big debate we sat down to finish the book we had been reading earlier on in the day, a complete marathon of reading for me as they begged me to carry on. Doesn't matter how old they get they still like me to read to them :-)
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Well today really was a chilled back day, we must have all been tired out as nobody got out of bed until gone 9am! Another advantage of not having to rush out to the school gates. I had a friend coming around so me and the kids did a quick lesson in home economics. (Rushed around tidying up) Even though half the day was gone we still managed to fit in a few pages of English for 'C' while 'H' and 'M' made some paper plate clocks.
I had noticed that although 'H' can tell the time when it is an o'clock or half past etc he was struggling with the 5 to's , 10 to's and so on. After making this clock, which is just what we needed, he spent some time with me figuring out what he had been confused about and I now think he has the hang of it. We will keep using the clock to make sure he's got the hang of it.
'M' to be fair probably made more smiley face paper plates than clocks but she had fun anyway.
Our evening was a little more busier, 'H' went off to jujitsu while the rest of us went shopping, we had some very interesting conversations in the car with 'C' about Diana (we seen a poster for the film) which then let on to the royal family and what a conspiracy theorist was. So much of home ed is done verbally and we have had many a conversation last for hours on a particular subject. It's difficult to remember those conversations and questions and document them at the end of the day. I think my main job is to answer questions rather than anything else as a home educator. 'H' as an example earlier picked up a book and asked me what 'smitten' meant. As long as you are active in helping them find out the answers you can't be doing a bad job. They learn something every day as long as you are listening and responding to them.
Wow I am impressed, 'C' whilst being told it was bedtime decided to make some armpit farts at me. On me saying how disgusting it was he decided to explain the science to me. The words that came out of his mouth were, "you make pockets of air between your hand and under your arm and you compress it quickly to make the sound". 'Pockets of air', 'compress' he does listen to me sometimes then!
I had noticed that although 'H' can tell the time when it is an o'clock or half past etc he was struggling with the 5 to's , 10 to's and so on. After making this clock, which is just what we needed, he spent some time with me figuring out what he had been confused about and I now think he has the hang of it. We will keep using the clock to make sure he's got the hang of it.
'M' to be fair probably made more smiley face paper plates than clocks but she had fun anyway.
Our evening was a little more busier, 'H' went off to jujitsu while the rest of us went shopping, we had some very interesting conversations in the car with 'C' about Diana (we seen a poster for the film) which then let on to the royal family and what a conspiracy theorist was. So much of home ed is done verbally and we have had many a conversation last for hours on a particular subject. It's difficult to remember those conversations and questions and document them at the end of the day. I think my main job is to answer questions rather than anything else as a home educator. 'H' as an example earlier picked up a book and asked me what 'smitten' meant. As long as you are active in helping them find out the answers you can't be doing a bad job. They learn something every day as long as you are listening and responding to them.
Wow I am impressed, 'C' whilst being told it was bedtime decided to make some armpit farts at me. On me saying how disgusting it was he decided to explain the science to me. The words that came out of his mouth were, "you make pockets of air between your hand and under your arm and you compress it quickly to make the sound". 'Pockets of air', 'compress' he does listen to me sometimes then!
Monday, 23 September 2013
Manic Monday
After a pretty stressful evening the night before waging war on fiddly bits of candles I left the house mostly prepared for today's science session. A few of us home edders have started meeting up on a fortnightly basis for science and English 'lessons'. I had volunteered to take the first science session. We are following the crest awards which gives you set lesson plans. All I had to do was choose one of the lessons and get the supplies together, then explain what to do. However nothing is as simple as it looks, chopping up candles to turn them into washers sounds easy but isn't!
We made band rollers to demonstrate how wind up toys/items work by storing energy and releasing it. I also gave them a worksheet so they could record the results of how far they travelled after changing one thing at a time. Adding more friction etc. by adding elastic bands or other items from the bag of goodies I brought. I'm pretty sure the session went quite well and all the kids did a better job than my trial version last night did.

'M' was in the younger group and they were working on a display based around colours by gluing bits of fabric and tissue to the colour word.
After a quick drink break the groups swapped over and 'M' worked on a slightly younger aimed science session. They were rolling unlabelled cans down a ramp to try and work out what was in each of the cans. They had to choose whether the cans contained dog food, beans or soup based on how far they rolled. They did a really good job considering all the kids were 5ish and under. They figured out that the dog food would be heaviest as it contained meat and was packed in the can tightly. Then the beans, followed by the soup which rolled the least furthest.
The boys worked in groups on a story board, which is hopefully going to turn into a short film at the next session .
Next few hours were spent having lunch at the park. Make the most of the last of the warm sun.
We made band rollers to demonstrate how wind up toys/items work by storing energy and releasing it. I also gave them a worksheet so they could record the results of how far they travelled after changing one thing at a time. Adding more friction etc. by adding elastic bands or other items from the bag of goodies I brought. I'm pretty sure the session went quite well and all the kids did a better job than my trial version last night did.

'M' was in the younger group and they were working on a display based around colours by gluing bits of fabric and tissue to the colour word.
After a quick drink break the groups swapped over and 'M' worked on a slightly younger aimed science session. They were rolling unlabelled cans down a ramp to try and work out what was in each of the cans. They had to choose whether the cans contained dog food, beans or soup based on how far they rolled. They did a really good job considering all the kids were 5ish and under. They figured out that the dog food would be heaviest as it contained meat and was packed in the can tightly. Then the beans, followed by the soup which rolled the least furthest.
The boys worked in groups on a story board, which is hopefully going to turn into a short film at the next session .
Next few hours were spent having lunch at the park. Make the most of the last of the warm sun.
Another busy weekend
Saturday had a bit more of a mellow start as 'C's football match was a late kick off. He then went straight onto a friends birthday party. 'H' spent much of the rest of the day playing with friends too.
Sunday we had a day trip to Brighton. I'd managed to get some discounted tickets off Groupon for the sand sculpture festival which needed using up before the festival ends next week. Sundays seem to be the only day of the week that we can manage any days out as a family. Just too busy!
We parked down near the pier at an extortionate parking price of £10 for 4hrs! Only to discover the sand sculpture festival was about a mile further down Madeira Drive. After chips on the beach we started our walk. We then spent about an hour looking around all the sculptures, which were all based on a music theme. Learning how they make them too using a type of sand that has some clay content to it and wooden benches to support the base of the sculptures. Lots of graffiti too which 'C' loved, he has been fascinated with it for a little while now so we are going to see what books we can find in the library on it.
We followed up with hot chocolates and tea before starting the trek back.
The rest of the day was spent in the arcades and on the fair at the end of the pier. Having not been to Brighton before other than driving through it, it was quite an interesting place.
Sunday we had a day trip to Brighton. I'd managed to get some discounted tickets off Groupon for the sand sculpture festival which needed using up before the festival ends next week. Sundays seem to be the only day of the week that we can manage any days out as a family. Just too busy!
We parked down near the pier at an extortionate parking price of £10 for 4hrs! Only to discover the sand sculpture festival was about a mile further down Madeira Drive. After chips on the beach we started our walk. We then spent about an hour looking around all the sculptures, which were all based on a music theme. Learning how they make them too using a type of sand that has some clay content to it and wooden benches to support the base of the sculptures. Lots of graffiti too which 'C' loved, he has been fascinated with it for a little while now so we are going to see what books we can find in the library on it.
We followed up with hot chocolates and tea before starting the trek back.
The rest of the day was spent in the arcades and on the fair at the end of the pier. Having not been to Brighton before other than driving through it, it was quite an interesting place.
Friday, 20 September 2013
Disaster start to the day, main road out of Gosport (A32) closed due to a crash. Boys missed archery as anyone who lives around here knows there isn't much other choice to get out of the town. We turned about and went about getting supplies for Mondays science group instead. My turn to organise all the materials for it. I have most of what we need but can I find a basic pack of white candles anywhere?! I am sure I probably have some in another of my messy cupboards so I have the task of pulling that out later.
Thursday, 19 September 2013
We had a day at home today, I was still continuing on with the big tidy whilst helping the kids out with the tasks they those. They all decided to fabric paint a t-shirt each. Then make peg dolls & fimo models.

One benefit of pulling out all the resources for a sort out is you find things you forgot you had! So we spent a lot of the day using things like spelling flash cards to see how much they had improved since the last time the cards had seen the light of day. We found out some archaeology workbooks which 'c' liked the look of so got stuck in on those. 'h' built himself some Minecraft blocks and 'm' spent lots of time cutting and sticking as we discovered bits and bobs in the cupboard. House still looks like a bomb has hit it but I can finally see an end to it. Life will be so much easier not having things falling out on me when looking for a particular item in the craft cupboard. I managed to get rid of at least half of the workbooks as they were no longer relevant or not suited to the boys. I can now find all of them quickly rather than route through a huge pile.

One benefit of pulling out all the resources for a sort out is you find things you forgot you had! So we spent a lot of the day using things like spelling flash cards to see how much they had improved since the last time the cards had seen the light of day. We found out some archaeology workbooks which 'c' liked the look of so got stuck in on those. 'h' built himself some Minecraft blocks and 'm' spent lots of time cutting and sticking as we discovered bits and bobs in the cupboard. House still looks like a bomb has hit it but I can finally see an end to it. Life will be so much easier not having things falling out on me when looking for a particular item in the craft cupboard. I managed to get rid of at least half of the workbooks as they were no longer relevant or not suited to the boys. I can now find all of them quickly rather than route through a huge pile.
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Not a lot exciting happened today, we went to 'm's gym session then played at the park. Read some books, a bit of art and had a bit more of a relaxed day. We've been so busy lately it's hard to fit in some relaxing time. I've started the big task of reorganising all of our work books and crafts. I've put up shelves and brought plastic drawers to make life a bit easier.
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Submarine Musuem
Big home ed trip out today to the Submarine Museum.
We all met at the gates for a 10.30 start, we had all been split into 3 groups. Ours was first for the tour of HMS Alliance. Although we have been to the museum quite a few times now they have updated it quite a lot and there is always something new to see and always something that we didn't learn about last time.
Our tour of the submarine took about half an hour.
We were then free to look around some of the interactive parts of the main museum, lots of hands of stuff before pausing for lunch.
'C' dressed up as a rat!
We were then taken to a workshop where the kids were shown lots of real objects from submarines, items of clothing etc. They were then given the task of designing their own submarine which was going to be powered by fizzy cola. They had to think about how the submarine would float with the ballast tanks. All the kids did really well and nobody had a sinker and they all moved along in the water. I was quite pleased with the boys efforts as they had no help from me at all as I was helping 'M' with hers.
One more look around the more historical pieces in the museum, then it was off home. not before getting soaked in a downpour on the walk out!
We all met at the gates for a 10.30 start, we had all been split into 3 groups. Ours was first for the tour of HMS Alliance. Although we have been to the museum quite a few times now they have updated it quite a lot and there is always something new to see and always something that we didn't learn about last time.
Our tour of the submarine took about half an hour.
We were then free to look around some of the interactive parts of the main museum, lots of hands of stuff before pausing for lunch.
'C' dressed up as a rat!
We were then taken to a workshop where the kids were shown lots of real objects from submarines, items of clothing etc. They were then given the task of designing their own submarine which was going to be powered by fizzy cola. They had to think about how the submarine would float with the ballast tanks. All the kids did really well and nobody had a sinker and they all moved along in the water. I was quite pleased with the boys efforts as they had no help from me at all as I was helping 'M' with hers.
One more look around the more historical pieces in the museum, then it was off home. not before getting soaked in a downpour on the walk out!
Monday, 16 September 2013
Today was book group, run by another home ed mum. We had read most of Hedgerow Tales by Enid Blyton in advance. I say most of, as me and the kids just didn't really take to it so gave up reading it half way through. I don't think it made a difference to the session though.
First of all we talked about the book then done some work of food chains using animals and food from the book. Each wore a picture of either an animal or some fruit/grass and we unravelled wool between the animals/food to demonstrate the food chains. I think they all took it in and learnt something from it, whilst being a good bit of fun.
Then they made origami foxes and rabbits.
Once we had tidied up we all went for a walk to find a hedgerow and pick some blackberries.
We said goodbye to everyone and headed off for a look around the shops and some late lunch.
Later dad took all of the kids swimming, I'm not all that keen on water so I like to leave them all to it!
In the evening I sat down with 'C' to read one of the books he'd chosen at the library, he's been struggling with remembering what he's just read so he tells me. So we are working through a book together so I can see if it is an issue or if he is just thinking about it too much as he had a tendency to do. He seems fine so far though.
First of all we talked about the book then done some work of food chains using animals and food from the book. Each wore a picture of either an animal or some fruit/grass and we unravelled wool between the animals/food to demonstrate the food chains. I think they all took it in and learnt something from it, whilst being a good bit of fun.
Then they made origami foxes and rabbits.
Once we had tidied up we all went for a walk to find a hedgerow and pick some blackberries.
We said goodbye to everyone and headed off for a look around the shops and some late lunch.
Later dad took all of the kids swimming, I'm not all that keen on water so I like to leave them all to it!
In the evening I sat down with 'C' to read one of the books he'd chosen at the library, he's been struggling with remembering what he's just read so he tells me. So we are working through a book together so I can see if it is an issue or if he is just thinking about it too much as he had a tendency to do. He seems fine so far though.
Sunday, 15 September 2013
Weekend fun started off with a Saturday morning 'How it's Made' featuring a whole episode dedicated to the Porche 911 which 'H' enjoyed while 'C' was at football training. 'H' then went to Jujitsu, both boys then played with friends, read some more library books and generally had a chilled out afternoon.
Poor little 'M' unwell :-(
Sunday was all booked up for some free events as it was heritage weekend, the boys went with dad to HMS Sultan which is a naval training base. Your not usually allowed in there so it was a great opportunity for them to have a look around. There was a museum and some aircraft for them to look at.
They came home and we all went straight out again, on our way to the car we spotted this caterpillar. We were going to try and identify it so we do that at some point this week.
We all went to Portsmouth Dockyard for a behind the scenes vintage bus tour, again another place your not usually allowed in without security clearance. We got to see some of the old buildings and docks as well as the newer navy ships being built and repaired. Unfortunately no pics were allowed! I did get a little pic of one of the old signs from the top deck.
Tomorrow we are off to a home ed book group.
Poor little 'M' unwell :-(
Sunday was all booked up for some free events as it was heritage weekend, the boys went with dad to HMS Sultan which is a naval training base. Your not usually allowed in there so it was a great opportunity for them to have a look around. There was a museum and some aircraft for them to look at.
They came home and we all went straight out again, on our way to the car we spotted this caterpillar. We were going to try and identify it so we do that at some point this week.
We all went to Portsmouth Dockyard for a behind the scenes vintage bus tour, again another place your not usually allowed in without security clearance. We got to see some of the old buildings and docks as well as the newer navy ships being built and repaired. Unfortunately no pics were allowed! I did get a little pic of one of the old signs from the top deck.
Tomorrow we are off to a home ed book group.
Friday, 13 September 2013
Another busy day
Archery lessons started our Friday again, just a couple more weeks now and they will have finished their course. They were taken outside to the range today so they could have a go at long range shooting. According to 'C' he was the only one to hit the bullseye which I'm pleased to hear as he was struggling a bit until they changed his bow for him. They came out of archery late which didn't help with the plans for the rest of the day. Another home ed mum had organised a Roald Dahl workshop for the older ones in one of our local museums. Just got there in time after bad traffic and a quick lunch in the car for the boys.
They had been asked to invent their own sweets (Charlie & the Chocolate Factory) and a potion (Georges Marvellous Medicine)
They had been asked to invent their own sweets (Charlie & the Chocolate Factory) and a potion (Georges Marvellous Medicine)
As myself and 'M' couldn't go into the workshop but I was informed by the boys that they did do some more "stuff" too.
The evening was spent playing with friends and making papercraft models. 'C' had a time team episode on for pre bedtime viewing.
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Our Autumn Theme
Now we are back to what I would call a normal day we got in quite a lot of stuff.
Some more work done in the boys leaf books started our morning off, leaf facts and diagrams covers science. Some leaf symmetry for a bit of maths. Drawing and colouring for art and writing for English. Amazing how many subjects can be covered using leafs. That completes their books.
After that they decided they wanted to search for minerals albeit replica minerals and not quite following the autumn theme in one of those digging plaster kits. Lead onto a discussion about obsidian and how it is formed.
'H' had a go at a leaf identifying quiz from the woodland trust. He got all but one correct using his Idial helped though!
'C' took quite a bit longer to dig out his minerals, while 'M' done lots of cutting and sticking,
'H' desperately wanted to make more fimo items so he made a leaf keyring not forgetting to discuss all the parts of the leaf that we had learnt about earlier.
We started off what we hope to be our autumn wall display.
After lunch we went down to the woods and spent a good while looking for horse chestnuts, followed by picking leaves up to make our leaf collage, think it started off with the intention of being a flower but we all agreed it looked more like a tree.
Picked up some shopping on the way home in time for dinner and swimming lessons after. Not mentioning that just before swimming our lovely cat got stuck up a tree and we attempted for an hour to get her down before dad came home and climbed the tree for us! Luckily they made it to swimming on time and I suppose it was a useful demonstration on how to rescue a kitten.
Some more work done in the boys leaf books started our morning off, leaf facts and diagrams covers science. Some leaf symmetry for a bit of maths. Drawing and colouring for art and writing for English. Amazing how many subjects can be covered using leafs. That completes their books.
After that they decided they wanted to search for minerals albeit replica minerals and not quite following the autumn theme in one of those digging plaster kits. Lead onto a discussion about obsidian and how it is formed.
'H' had a go at a leaf identifying quiz from the woodland trust. He got all but one correct using his Idial helped though!
'C' took quite a bit longer to dig out his minerals, while 'M' done lots of cutting and sticking,
'H' desperately wanted to make more fimo items so he made a leaf keyring not forgetting to discuss all the parts of the leaf that we had learnt about earlier.
We started off what we hope to be our autumn wall display.
After lunch we went down to the woods and spent a good while looking for horse chestnuts, followed by picking leaves up to make our leaf collage, think it started off with the intention of being a flower but we all agreed it looked more like a tree.
Picked up some shopping on the way home in time for dinner and swimming lessons after. Not mentioning that just before swimming our lovely cat got stuck up a tree and we attempted for an hour to get her down before dad came home and climbed the tree for us! Luckily they made it to swimming on time and I suppose it was a useful demonstration on how to rescue a kitten.
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Today started off with a couple of scratch art kits, followed by 'M's gym class and a play at the park which took us up until lunch.
We decided this afternoon to concentrate on a autumn project for a while, they all made some leaf iDials
Then the boys started to make their own books about leaves too, which we will continue with tomorrow. 'C' had football training for the evening while 'H' went around a friends house to play.
We decided this afternoon to concentrate on a autumn project for a while, they all made some leaf iDials
Then the boys started to make their own books about leaves too, which we will continue with tomorrow. 'C' had football training for the evening while 'H' went around a friends house to play.
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